11. Wyrażanie troski i empatii
Dziś prezentujemy jedenasty tekst prezentujący język funkcjonalny i będziemy uczyć się stosować słownictwo służące wyrażaniu troski. Wyrażanie empatii jest bardzo ważnym elementem komunikacji kiedy chcemy wczuć się w sytuację drugiej osoby. Dziś tekst krótszy z powodu wakacji…
Okazywanie zainteresowania i oferowanie pomocy
- Are you all right? / Are you ok?
- How are things? / How are you getting on?
- How have you been keeping?
- What’s the matter? What’s up?
- You look a bit off-colour. Are you feeling alright?
- You look worried. Is everything ok?
- Why such a sad face? Is there something wrong?
- Why the long face? Bad news? Do you want to talk about it?
- You look upset. Has something happened?
- You look a bit down. What’s the matter?
- Is there anything I can do?
- Can I help in any way?
- Do you need a shoulder to cry on?
- Come and have a drink. You look like you could do with one. I believe (that) …
- I’m sure that …
- In my opinion / My opinion is …
Życzenie komuś zdrowia i powodzenia
- I hope you’ll feel better/feel well again very soon.
- Wishing you a speedy recovery.
- Warmest wishes for a quick recovery.
- Our warmest thoughts are with you as you recover from your accident.
- You are in in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you a quick recovery.
- I hope it won’t be long before you’re on your feet again.
- I hope you have a swift recovery and start feeling better very soon.
- We pray you return to full health very soon.
- Hope you feel a little better every day.
- Hope you’ll be back to your old self in no time.
- Hope it won’t be long before you’re out of hospital.
- Hope it helps to know that we’re all thinking of you.
- We all miss you and wish you a speedy recovery.
- Take extra good care of yourself until you make a complete recovery.
- Sorry to hear you’re not well. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
- Really sorry to hear of your illness. Hope your recovery will be a speedy one.
- Wishing you a super fast recovery. Life isn’t the same without you!
- We wish you a speedy recovery. If you need anything, just let us know.
Inne linki:
1. https://www.biztechesp.pl/oferta/kursy-english-for-specific-purposes-szkolenia-angielski-lektoraty-biztechesp-blanka-myszkowska/
2. https://www.biztechesp.pl/oferta/kurs-przygotowawczy-do-egzaminu-vec-biztechesp-blanka-myszkowska/
3. https://www.biztechesp.pl/oferta/kursy-angielskiego-technicznego-i-egzaminy-vec-technical-english-bizetchesp-blanka-myszkowska/
4. https://www.biztechesp.pl/oferta/kursy-angielskiego-naukowego-i-egzaminy-vec-technical-english-bizetchesp-blanka-myszkowska/