8. Offering – składanie ofert
Język funkcjonalny jest podstawą nauki języka obcego. Dziś prezentujemy – składanie ofert – ósmy z dziesięciu tekstów na temat funkcji językowych i będziemy uczyć jak to robić. Prezentujemy poziomowaną listę różnych zwrotów i wyrażeń.
Poziom elementarny (A2)
- Can I help (you) (with…)?
- Do you want me to…(for you)?
- Would you like me to…(for you)?
Poziom niżej średniozaawansowany (B1)
- Can I offer (you) (some help with)…?
- Help yourself (to…)
- I’d like to offer (some help with)…
- I’ll… (for you) (if you like)
- If you have any problems,…
- If you like, I can… (for you)
- If you need…, just/please…
- Shall I…(for you)?
Poziom średniozaawansowany (B1/B2)
- (Do you) need some help (with…)?
- (Don’t worry,) I’ll sort it out.
- (Please) let me… (for you).
- Can I give you a hand (with…)?
- Can I help (you) at all (with…)?
- I often help with…, so…
- I’d like to help (in any way) (with…) if I can.
- If you liked, I could…
- Is there anything I can do to help (with…)?
- May I help you (with…)?
Poziom wyżej średniozaawansowany (B2/B2+)
- (Do you) need a hand (with…)?
- (Do you) need someone/me/us to…?
- (Do you) want me to have a look (at…)?
- Are you having problems (with…)?
- Can I be of (any) assistance?
- Can I get you anything (for…)?
- I don’t have anything else to do, so…
- I guess/think/heard that you need some help with…
- I’d be glad to…
- I’m sure you don’t need my help, but…
- If you need help (with…), just/please…
- If you want me to…it’s no problem.
- It’s (part of) my job/my duties to help people with…
- Leave it/that/this (up) to me.
- Make yourself at home.
Poziom zaawansowany (C1/C2)
- It) sounds like you could do with…
- Can I assist you with…?
- I guess/think you might need some help with…
- I guess/think/heard I might be able to help you with…
- I guess/think/heard I might be the person to help you with…
- I’ll handle this.
- I’m just over here if…
- I’m the person to ask if…
- If…, (just) say the word/give me a shout.
- It would be my great pleasure if you would accept my assistance (with…)
- Just give me a second and I’ll…
- Many hands make light work
- May I offer my (humble) services (with…)?
- Would…be of any help?
- You look like you could do with (some help/…)
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